Outside the Cat Box
Home of CDC - Cat of a Different Color

We just acquired a new chassis for an upgrade to CDC. She will be street legal as well as being a bit bigger. With all the expenses to bring CDC to the next level, we will need extra funding to make the new upgrades. We have exhausted most of our budgets but now have a long way to go for CDC 3.0. CDC still needs upgrades on her motorized ears, as well as an articulating tail and a sound system for her voice. We also need need a new trailer to safely transport her around to other events.
We have been asked to show her off at additional shows, fundraisers, and student robotic events. All support would be used for new additions and travel expenses.
CDC - Cat of a Different Color at Maker's Faire 2015

Donation Perks

Or if you wish to donate via Paypal our email is outsidethecatbox@gmail.com
We have some nice swag for those who donate to help make CDC better. New incentives for donations coming soon.
For donations of:
minumum donation of $5 recieve a 2" x 2" color magnet (currently eight designs to choose from)
$100 donation recieve a 7"x10" color photograph on aluminum (Currently two designs) Please specify which one when you donate. (Please note that if we do not have in stock please allow 2 weeks for delivery as these will need to be printed. More designs to come soon.)
Please make donations through GoFundMe link on our page here or contact us for a Paypal transaction. Unfortunately we can not ship items internationally. But any donation is welcome and appreciated.

2" x 2" color magnets
7" x 10"Photograph on Aluminum